August 26, 2008
Asian Energy Security Grid Deals Move Forward

Announcements of oil and gas development deals between Chinese oil majors and Iraq and Iran may be spooking markets as much as fear of tropical storm Gustav in the Gulf of Mexico.
PM Maliki's government in Baghdad will revive Sadaam Hussein's 1997 deal with China to develop a small but important oil field in southern Iraq. Meanwhile, Iran's national oil and gas companies are in new discussions over
production-sharing arrangements with China National Offshore Oil Corporation. Are these actions the rarely mentioned "Asian Energy Security Grid" in action?
Labels: asian energy security grid, china, energy security, iran
# posted by Sinomania! : 8/26/2008 01:51:00 PM

Thousands Sick, 160 Dead from Unknown Virus

Labels: china, hypocrisy, india, media, msm, sars, virus
# posted by Sinomania! : 8/26/2008 10:14:00 AM

August 20, 2008

An unlikely historical figure, Hua Guofeng survived because and despite of closeness to Chairman Mao. A decent obituary found
here in the British Telegraph.
# posted by Sinomania! : 8/20/2008 05:01:00 PM

Foreign Firms Soon To List on Shanghai

The venerable
Economist mag is reporting that the Shanghai Securities Exchange may soon allow foreign share listings. It is obvious Chinese regulators are considering just about anything in order to revive Chinese stocks. And it's a sign that Shanghai shares' recovery may be a lot quicker than some predict.
# posted by Sinomania! : 8/20/2008 04:45:00 PM

Changfeng Motor No HUMMER

According to a "source with direct knowledge" Reuters reports that
Hunan Changfeng Motor Company backed away from talks with GM trying to sell its Hummer brand.
Labels: automobiles, china, chinese trade, exports, gm, hummer
# posted by Sinomania! : 8/20/2008 04:40:00 PM

August 08, 2008

This month's full moon won't occur until mid way between tonight's amazing XXIX Olympiad
2008 Summer Games opener and the closing ceremonies on August 24 but already journos, bloggers, and TV talking heads are at work pontificating, propagandizing, and proselytizing a lugubrious lunacy about China, NEW China, RED China, COMMUNIST China, CAPITALIST China, changing, 'in transition', age-old, threat, friend, 'peer rival', --well you get the drift and if not? Just go anywhere else over the next two weeks or so for your fair share of drippy, preachy, school-marmy commentary along the lines discussed above. In the meantime enjoy the competitions.
Labels: beijing 2008, beijing olympics, propaganda, summer games
# posted by Sinomania! : 8/08/2008 08:08:00 PM

August 06, 2008
Electricity Rationing Hits Shandong, Hubei

And no it is NOT to keep the lights on in Beijing during the Olympics...
Disruption in coal supplies and shortage of generation and transmission capacity in China is affecting China. Particularly
hard hit is aluminum smelting.
A massive infrastructure build with even more cental investment spending is looming in China's future. More on that soon!
Labels: china, electricity, olympics, shortages
# posted by Sinomania! : 8/06/2008 11:51:00 AM

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