August 13, 2009


The Pakistan Business Recorder says a Chinese delegation that recently visited Islamabad formally told Pakistan that the Coastal Oil Refinery project at Gwadar port was off the list of investment targets through June 2010. Additionally, without the refinery, Beijing has shelved plans for a pipeline and transit corridor from Gwadar to the Karakoram Highway at the Chinese border.

The announcement is a major blow to Pakistan's plans to develop volatile Balochistan province and provides proof to foreign investors that Pakistan is in danger of "failed state" conditions.

For Beijing, the decision to slow or even halt developments at Gwadar is a setback for China's desire for a shorter and safer route for Persian Gulf oil into western China and a potential outlet to emerging markets in the Middle East and Europe for Chinese goods as manufacturing migrates to the Chinese interior.

Overall, the decision to pull out of Gwadar reflects the current financial conditions and the regional instability due to the Obama surge into Afghanistan....

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This is a huge story as reflected by the use of capital letters. I do not expect China to invade Afghanistan as "therapy" goads, but mustering 100,000 elite cadre with heavy weapons along this regional boarder would send Obamma a defiant message.
Strategic review of Opperation international liberal law enforcement in afghanistan-tartardom region yields favorable results for no-combat NATO ISAF sunshine patriots.

NATO does not want a large scale conflict & serious war. It horrors the thought of instability in Europe with reinstatement of massive conscription. Maintaining instability in the hellish area with a voluntary force of world policemen is ideal.

China on the otherhand is losing patience, development, money, and Mao credibility with the unique security opperation. Either the asian tiger accept humiliation for decades or muscle 1/4 million cadre into action. lame western public opinion against the war will whine forever like a crippled veteran akwardly in motion.
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