November 25, 2008

Tibet & Moral Righteousness

Western media are drumming up a storm of righteous indignation (just in time for the holidays) over the failures of the Dalai Lama and Tibetan elites in India to reach a deal with Beijing. As anyone who has bothered to actually read the Dalai's wants, the issue is not "free Tibet" but acceptance by Beijing as the true rulers of Tibetans. As long as there are power rivalries with Beijing such as determining the 14th Panchem Lama the Dalai Lama cannot be a despot. The Dalai Lama (and his court) cannot accept this compromise. Thus the stalemate.

The British, who defined Tibet's borders and helped create the Tibet brand of a "Shangri-La" utopia for lost Westerners bored with their own spiritual heritage, are trying to play intermediary. Foreign Minister Bill Rammel urged the Tibetan confab at Dharamsala to seek "meaningful autonomy for Tibet within the framework of the Chinese constitution."

It's not hard to buy a mob in Asia. Given the global cash crisis will we again see riots in Lhasa soon? Let's hope the Free Tibet crowd will be restrained enough to keep their moral righteousness on the bumpers of their sedans.

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