This post is bumped up since the
NY Times is now blathering that " If China does decide to build the carrier, it will no doubt increase tensions with the United States,
Taiwan and Japan, among other governments," etc.
first posted Nov. 17, 2008At present the only aircraft carriers in China are old Soviet ships docked in ShenZhen and Tianjin as tourist attractions. But news that a
loose-lipped Chinese defense official told foreign reporters that China may build an aircraft carrier of its own someday has some sources buzzing.
Not since the rumours of a mysterious Chinese "supership" in 2001 has there been so much hot air about the looming threat of China's navy. Of course the idea that a single Chinese aircraft carrier perhaps appearing sometime in the next decade could compromise the USA's 11 aircraft carrier battle groups is absurd.
But consider this: the USA military-industrial complex is very concerned about its prospects under President Obama. A China threat scare could help ensure that the new Democratic Party controlled Congress doesn't try to touch the $1 trillion spent each and every year by Washington on defense spending.
Labels: military, military-industrial complex, pentagon
# posted by Sinomania! : 12/23/2008 08:36:00 PM