October 13, 2008
China Alt Energy Stocks Soar

Chardan South China or A-Power Energy Generation System is a leader in specialized transmission grid and control systems based in Shenyang. APWR up 50%!
China BAK Battery is a major lithium ion rechargeable producer and industrial supplier out of Shenzhen. CBAK up over 9%.
China Clean Energy is a Fujian based diodiesel concern. CCGY.OB up amost 40%!
China Recycling Energy, based in shanghai, is engaged in energy recycling with a joint venture with a Xi'An company on gas recovery systems. The Carlyle Group took a major stake less than a year ago. CREG.OB up over 13%.
China Sunergy, a leading photovoltaic solar cell producer headquartered in Nanjing. CSUN up over 12%.
Gushan Environmental Energy, another Fujian based biodiesel enterprise. GU up over 21%.
JA Solar, a leader in photovoltaic solar cell production. JASO up over 16%.
Solar Power Inc., a California based pv module manufacturer in Shenzhen. SOPW.OB up 20%.
Trina Solar, a major pv solar module producer based in Changzhou, Jiangsu. TSL up 14%.
Yingli Green Energy, a 10 year old pv manufacturer. YGE up over 15%.
Labels: alternative energy, chinese stocks, tech stocks
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