September 25, 2007
100,000 Pro-Democracy Protesters?

Although most of the photos from the ground in Yangon, Myanmar (Burma), appear to come from the the same source and show a crowd of monks numbering perhaps in the thousands, the tagline "100,000 Pro-Democracy Protesters" has taken root in the Anglo-American press. Combined with a speech from President Bush condemning the ruling "junta" of the country, the stage appears set for a showdown. But do we really have any idea what is going on there apart from the black and white creations of America's premiere (and oh so trustworthy) newspapers?
Labels: black, burma, human rights, monks, myanmar, protests, psyop
# posted by Sinomania! : 9/25/2007 11:29:00 AM

September 21, 2007
And issues a
formal apology to China. Will the "mainstream media" spend weeks reporting on this development? Will American Congressmen issue retractions of their condemnations on Beijing for endangering the children? Witness the China double standard in action...
from the Financial Times:
" ”Mattel takes full responsibility for these recalls and apologises personally to you, the Chinese people and all of our customers who received the toys.”
Mattel, the world’s largest toy maker, has issued a humiliating apology to China for damaging the country’s reputation, saying that millions of product recalls that the company has made in recent months resulted from design flaws, not poor Chinese manufacturing standards.
“Our reputation has been damaged lately by these recalls,” Thomas Debrowski, Mattel’s executive vice president of worldwide operations, told the head of China’s quality control agency, Li Changjiang, in Beijing. "
Labels: china, imports, lead, mattel, toys
# posted by Sinomania! : 9/21/2007 11:29:00 AM

September 17, 2007
Chinese Troops In Darfur
Be careful what you ask for, Mia Farrow: Chinese troops will form part of the "peacekeeping" force under United Nations auspices according to news reports (here, the
Sydney Morning Herald). Still, Hollywood hypocrites and the hysterical left fringe and far-right warmongers in the USA want a boycott of the
Beijing 2008 Olympics even though the US Olympic Committee is dead set against a boycott and President Bush accepted an invitation to attend next summer's Olympics in Beijing.
Labels: china, darfur, genocide, mia farrow, olympics, sudan
# posted by Sinomania! : 9/17/2007 11:14:00 AM

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