July 27, 2007

Save Darfur…From Mia Farrow

Mia Farrow is back from her latest holiday in Sudan (one wonders if she shells out for these excursions or if the UN picks up the tab?) and the Bancroft family gave her a few inches in the Wall Street Journal (once again) in a (final?) display of their anti-China editorial stance.

Mia now claims to speak for the people of Darfur and – expanding her ambitions -- Eastern Chad saying that they urgently need an “international force with the resources and mandate necessary to protect defenseless civilians.”

So it appears Mia’s solution is to bring UN “Peacekeepers" into the region. And we all know what a great job they did in Bosnia and East Timor, right? I wonder what Mia’s reaction would be if she found out that some of those peacekeepers could come from UN Security Council member China?

How much of the $31 million or so raised last year for "Save Darfur" ever ended up in Sudan? Ruth Messinger, Director of the coalition, admitted to a group of Ivy League students that the intent of the movement was just to get young people to connect and embrace humanitarianism. Messinger's main gig, American Jewish World Service, is known to raise money only to funnel it into lobbying efforts for Israel.

It's all well and good for Mia Farrow to be appalled at the suffering in Sudan but why not put her money where her mouth is? Why not open up her country estate in Connecticut to some refugees? How about a little direct action from the hand-wringers for Darfur other than just a deduction for next year’s taxes?

Or is it all just about adding a "Save Darfur" sticker on the SUV next to the old "Free Tibet" one thus showing all the other drivers your moral righteousness?

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the war street journal and the far eastern economic review are both financial publications laced with a heavy dose of politics, nothing wrong with that per se except that both harped exclusively on negative reports about china and alleged humanrights abuses by ccp. if its not about tibet then its the uighurs or the "rights to independence" of taiwan, if you read these esteemed journals all your life you might not even know that there are such places like kashmir, or nagaland or aceh or east timor etc etc....
for some reasons the usa is awashed with anti chinese propaganda outfits such as the washington times etc etc, but the times is usually considered "on the fringe", a moonie mouthpiece. otoh, the wsj stands out amongst the china bashing crowds coz in addition to its blatantly biased view on china, its considered a "reputable" publications that wield great influence amongst the elites.
a few years back its was reported that the war street journal proposed to distribute free copies to various chinese institutions of higher learning, "in the spirit of promoting mutual understand between the two peoples [sic].
some cheek !!
the journal obviously took the chinese as utterly clueless peasants who dont know what it has been up to all these yrs, hell, for all i know, the chinese might have accepted this "generous" offer already.
**Mia now claims to speak for the people of Darfur and – expanding her ambitions -- Eastern Chad saying that they urgently need an “international force with the resources and mandate necessary to protect defenseless civilians.”***

if ms mia cares so much about humanrights in africa, she could start with her own country first -- ask uncle sham call off his attack dogs in somalia, no need for any invasion, no fly zone, un "peace keeping" force, all it need is a call from whitehouse, no , just a call from the pentagon and its done. ms mia, please ask your government to make that call if you are serious about what you are doing.
**So it appears Mia’s solution is to bring UN “Peacekeepers" into the region. And we all know what a great job they did in Bosnia and East Timor, right? ***

yeah, what a great job they did

**I wonder what Mia’s reaction would be if she found out that some of those peacekeepers could come from UN Security Council member China?**

the "power that be" might not want any chinese in darfur to interfere with their "peace keeping" job, otoh, any chinese who do get sent have better watch out for another round of those "friendly fire"
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