November 17, 2006
Rice Paper Tiger
Does Secretary Rice seriously believe that the world views with alarm China’s defense spending of $35 billion per year or even the $90 billion+ that American government propaganda claims is the true figure when compared to the USA’s annual military spending in excess of half a trillion dollars? Does the Bush Administration really think that China’s “regional role” is small in an area that the USA was chased out of over thirty years ago and where exports to China are the most important driver for all the area economies?
Rice’s comments come right on the heels of a propaganda campaign (see the Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s Washington Times) to convince the world that China is threatening “the region” (i.e., the Straits of Taiwan) with 900 missiles aimed at Taiwan and recklessly “stalking” the USS Kitty Hawk with a submarine. All in an effort to get the Kuomintang dominated Taiwan legislature to approve the 5 year old Republican Party arms package to the island. The rule of thumb is each 100 missiles “pointed at Taiwan” needs an American built diesel attack submarine with Aegis technology. With passage of the arms package, American defense contractors and the home districts of Republican congressmen get to build 9 such submarines. Fortunately, the legislature of Taiwan has seen through this farce – so far – and saved the people of Taiwan billions of dollars.
Condoleezza Rice’s comments are a true indictment of USA foreign policy. On the very ground that proved the “American Way” could not be forcibly imposed on a foreign people, in the midst of a new “big muddy” in Iraq, Condoleezza Rice accuses China of being the warmonger.

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