June 25, 2007
Mia Farrow’s Glass House Party for Darfur

The race route begins at Ms. Farrow’s Connecticut country house, makes stops at fashionable eateries and green businesses on its way to the UN building, and ends at Farrow’s 11 room rent-controlled apartment overlooking Central Park in Manhattan.
The toughest leg of the race would be the climb up flight after flight of stairs in The Langham, the location of Farrow’s famous apartment inherited from her movie star mother.
“She’s got all the oppressed groups participating,” raved neighbor Nancy Kissinger, at the race’s kick-off party, “there’s a Shiite man and a Sunni woman, one of those long-necked ladies from Burma or whatever it’s called now, and a peasant from a volcano in Central America!”
After hours of speeches and intense condemnation of evil multinationals and Steven Spielberg (“He’s a self-hating jew!” screeched Mia at one point causing a startled drink bearer to upset a tray of virgin ‘tinis), rifles were fired (“If only those were bombs dropping on Khartoum” I heard someone say) and the race was on!
Party-goers frantically scrambled to their cars, an assortment of Rolls-Royces, Mercedes, Hummers, and BMW SUVs, to drive down for the race finale. Mia ran to the caterer’s stretch Hummer – “I don’t drive myself!” she laughed and I got a chance to ask her some questions directly.
“Mia, why Darfur?” I said, quickly turning on my microphone.
“I never spend a day without thinking about it ... it's impossible to put Darfur out of one's mind,” she said.
“But what about your own country’s support of oppressive regimes in Nigeria, Guinea, in the Middle East, not to mention the abusive occupation of Iraq?”
“Huh?” she responded looking puzzled.
“Don’t you think it’s hypocritical to blame China – a country – for the problems in Sudan?” I pressed on, “Are you aware that both sides are black, muslim, and have committed terrible atrocities – it’s not a black and white issue there. You are a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations Children’s Fund but the UN says there is no genocide in Darfur.”
“Are you f*cking nuts?!” she screamed back at me and jumped into the back seat of the Hummer. “This is my genocide, dammit, Africa’s the future –bomb Beijing!”
And with that the car door slammed and she was off to the UN.
Labels: china, darfur, farrow, hollywood, hypocrite, mia, sudan
June 15, 2007
Only US Congress, World Far-Right Worried About China
Most intriguing, the majority of the people polled around the world were equally distrustful of the USA and China.
Labels: china, opinion, public, usa, war
June 12, 2007
China's defense spending catching up to USA?
According to the report the USA remains by far the world's biggest war machine with well over half a trillion dollars in annual arms spending. China is actually listed at number four after the UK and France. According to the report the top five military-industrial complexes and their 2006 revenues were: the USA $529 billion (46% of the entire world's weapons spending); the UK $59 billion; France $53 billion; China $50 billion (not even 10% of USA spending); and Japan $44 billion.
The Scripps Howard piece uses the purchasing-power-parity (PPP) equivalent figure for China at $188 billion. But that is specious unless the news services also explains that measured by PPP China is the second largest economy in the world just behind the USA.
If we're going to parse the data, a more revealing measure, provided in the SIPRI report but completely unreported, is military spending on a per capita basis. The USA spends $1,756 for each of its (legal) citizens versus only $37 spent per person by China on its "war" machine.
Labels: arms, china, defense, industrial, military, spending, u.s., war
June 04, 2007
Will Nancy Pelosi Remember the Bonus Army anniversary?
More ridiculous still is that Pelosi still thinks the USA has any moral ground to claim whatsoever in the wake of the Iraq occupation and our conduct at the Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo prisons. As for the Olympics Madame Speaker, the games are awarded to a CITY not a nation and the voting, in which the USA fully participated, is conducted by the International Olympic Committee and is not controlled by the USA and it is not in your power to declare whether or not the Chinese get to host the Olympics.
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